Rules and By-LawsThe International Desert Lynx Cat Association Constitution
Article I
The name of the association will be “The International Desert Lynx Cat Association”, also known as IDLCA.
Article II
To preserve, improve, and promote the entire Desert Lynx Cat breed.
Article III
Members will strive to improve the breed by:
1. Developing and promoting highest breeding standards, only breeding the best to the best.
2. Utilizing and insuring the continual use of Desert lynx Cats in breeding programs.
3. Keeping in mind IDLCA breed standard.
4. Serving as a forum for the Desert Lynx Cat owners and breeders.
5. Keeping IDLCA a Chartered Member of the International Progressive Cat Breeders Alliance.
Article IV
Section I: Any person interested in the objectives of the Association and agreeing to its Constitution may become a member by paying the dues set by the Board of Directors which entitles the member to all rights, privileges and responsibilities set forth in the Constitution. No person will continue as a member whose dues have not been paid for the applicable year. Members may be expelled for good cause by a majority vote of Executive Committee after having been given 30 days notice of charges and the right to a hearing. Dues run from January 1 to December 31 of each year.
Section II: A lifetime membership may be attained by paying ten (10) times the yearly dues.
Article V
Officers: Terms and Elections
Section I: After the first year, there shall be elected annually a President, Vice President and Secretary/ Treasurer. Terms of office will be from May 1 to April 30 of the following year.
Section II: 1/3 of the directors will be elected each year. There will be 5 Directors with each serving a 3 year term. They can serve consecutive terms or parts thereof.
Section III: A nominating committee will be chosen by the President to select and contact candidates for president and Vice President. This committee may be chosen from the Board of Directors. A nominating committee will be chosen from the Board of Directors to select and contact candidates for Secretary/ Treasurer. Candidates must have been or be at the time, on the Board of Directors. These will be presented to the membership no later than March 1st of each year.
Section IV: The Board of Directors and officers will be elected by the members, from a prepared list of candidates presented by the Nominating Committees. Members should present candidates to the Directors for consideration prior to February 1st of each year. All candidates must win over 50% of the total votes.
Example: There are four candidates running for President, when all the votes are tallied, not one has over 50% of the total number of votes. An election for the two candidates with the most votes would be held. The one with the most votes would be the new President.
Section V: After the third year, the following requirements must be met to be elected to an Office.
1. All nominated candidates must be willing to accept the position if elected.
2. They must have been a member in good standing for the past three (3) consecutive years to be eligible for the position if elected.
3. They must also have owned and cared for early generation Desert Lynx (F1, F2. or F3) for three years prior and currently at the time of election.
Article VI
Duties of Officers and Directors
Section I: The president must preside at all meetings of the Association and the Executive Committee. At regular meeting, the President shall vote only in case of a tie, but shall have the right of voting in the Executive Committee. The President shall appoint committees as necessary.
Section II: The Vice President shall act as an aid to the President and perform the duties in the absence of the President. The Vice President shall have the right to vote at any time. The Vice President will maintain the On-line List and will notify all list members when and where an on-line membership meeting is being held.
Section III: Secretary/ Treasurer office shall be combined. The Secretary/ Treasurer will keep all records, carry on all necessary correspondence, will be the Memberships Chairperson, be in charge of the Association’s funds and be responsible for said funds and spending thereof as directed by the Association and the Executive Committee as necessary to help with their responsibilities.
Section IV: Executive Committee will consist of President, Vice President, Secretary/ Treasurer, and the Board of Directors. They shall transact necessary business as may be referred to them by the Membership. They will be responsible for the official web site, quarterly Newsletter, and to look after the general welfare of the Association.
Section V: Directors will see to the running of the Association and be a voice and an intermediary between the Membership and the workings of the Association, before all regularly called meetings, the Executive Committee will meet and prepare an agenda to be followed at the meeting.
Section VI: All meetings will be held on-line in open sessions in the presence of the whole on-line membership with a prepared agenda. Input from the whole membership is encouraged, but only the Directors will vote on operational issues.
Section VII
Amendments In order to amend issues of organizational or structural importance the issue(s) must be presented to the Directors and passed by a 2/3 vote of the Directors present at two consecutive meetings before it would be put on the agenda. the membership would then vote by a 2/3 majority before it would pass and become part of the Constitution. If the issue is not on the agenda and arises from the floor, the first vote of the Directors is to put the item on the agenda for the next Directors meeting.
Article VIII
Meetings, Publications and Finances
Section I: Annual Meetings will be held on-line and will be open to all IDLCA on-line members. At each annual meeting, the Executive Committee will chose the time and date for the next year’s on-line meeting.
Section II: The Executive Committee will be responsible for the quarterly Newsletter and web site.
Section III: The checking account will bear the signature of the Secretary/ Treasurer and the President.
Article IX
Whenever possible, all annual meetings will be held in the on-line IDLCA List chat room and will be open to all IDLCA members. Robert’s Rules of Order will govern the proceedings.