
In the International Desert Lynx Cat Association

Choose a Membership Type

We have two levels of membership at the IDCLA. Please read the descriptions and then:
1. Fill out and submit the membership form indicating your desired level of membership
2. Mail your check for either $20 (general) or $30 (breeder) to: IDLCA, P.O. Box 511, Selma, OR 97538

Membership will not be complete until your fee has been received.

General Membership

Pet owner membership = $20. U.S.
Life time general membership is $200. U.S.
Each additional member of the pet owner household $10. each life time membership for additional household member is $100. U.S.

A GENERAL membership entitles you to:
1. Receive a membership card.
2. Participate in on-line discussions on the IDLCA E-mail list.
3. Vote on issues concerning IDLCA and the Desert Lynx Cat & its future.
4. Access the quarterly on line Newsletter.
5. May submit photos of your pet Desert Lynx for consideration for publication in the on-line Pet Gallery. Photos appearing in this gallery will be rotated in and out of the gallery 2 – 3 times a year, depending on how many photos are available to IDLCA.
6. Participate in many up coming special IDLCA activities.

Breeder's Membership

Annual fee = $30. U.S.
Life Time Breeder Membership = $300. U.S.

You must sign and adhere to IDLCA Code of Ethics to be a breeder member. Breeder Members accrue benefits of general membership and are also entitled to:

1. FREE IDLCA web site Breeder listing that includes one color photo (web ready) with a blurb, must fit allotted space, with one FREE edit change per membership year.

2. Hot link to your website will be provided at no cost, only of you provide a hot link back to IDLCA with the approved logo to be utilized by IDLCA members in good standing on their Web Pages. If you use the IDLCA logo you must provide a return link to IDLCA home page.

3. Run for a IDLCA office.

4. Submit photos for consideration in the IDLCA Galleries.

5. Submit articles for consideration for publication in the quarterly on-line newsletter.

6. May have family members join, same as General membership. $10. U.S. each $100. U.S. Lifetime Membership.

3 + 8 =


Membership is annual. Membership is valid through December 31st of each year. Please renew promptly. Lapsed membership will be pulled on February 1 of each year. A penalty fee may be charged to renew a lapsed membership.


IDLCA RESERVES THE RIGHT TO REFUSE, REVOKE OR SUSPEND ANY MEMBERSHIP FOR CONDUCT, STATEMENTS OR ACTIONS (PAST, PRESENT OR FUTURE) as deemed by the board to be detrimental to IDLCA, to the Desert Lynx breed, and/or to be in violation of the IDLCA’s Constitution and/or IDLCA’s Code of Ethics. IDLCA nor the Board members are obligated to produce, supply or provide any information regarding their decisions. The decisions of the Board are final and confidential.


Fees are subject to change by the IDLCA Board. If you have any questions, please e-mail.
All Funds go to the support of the International Desert Lynx Cat Association.

Cat Registration

It is not required to register your cats with IPCBA to
become a member or to hold an office in IDLCA or in one of
the IPCBA Chartered Board Associations.